Monday, December 13, 2010

Terracotta and a List

El Terracotta es un color intenso que evoca a la madre tierra con elegancia. Wow! que inspiración la mía casi, casi "de domingo". Todo para presentar mi primera y nueva diadema con flores en Terracotta! (Ven que la inspiración valia la pena!).

Terracotta is an intense color of the mother earth that have a unique elegance. That's a very fancy sentence for me. I'm surprised! lol! But I have to get inspired to present my very first headband with Terracotta flowers. (This headbansd deserve that, don't you think?)

Ahora la lista (si, si vean arriba el segundo tema en el título). He hecho varios treasuries con artículos maravillosos. Más bien ideas para que te sientas inspirad@ y encuentres los regalos perfectos para esta navidad. Lo más importante > es todo Hecho a Mano! Disfrútelo!

Now the List! (psss, I mean the list that I mention in the title). I did some treasuries with great items. This are some ideas to get you inspired so you can find the perfect gifts for this Holiday season. The best of all? > they are all Handmade with Love ! Enjoy!

Wow! Acabo de darme cuenta que no se como poner las fotos de las listas aqui, lo cual seria ideal. Pero en cuanto aprenda o alguien me enseñe lo haré!
I just realize that I don't know how to put the treasury pics in here. But has soon as I learn or someone teach me, I will!

Muchas Gracias por la ayuda, ya estan las fotos del las listas!

Thanks a LOT fot you help!!!


  1. Very lovely! The color is so pretty.

  2. Lovely treasuries. I just have learnt how to post here treasuries by a new tool at craftcult, try it! See how it show them in my new post, just about treasuires too.
    And I love the Terracota flowers!!!

  3. You have a very pretty blog ... I'm following.

    ~ jQjewelrydesigns
