Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Little Photo Tutorial > Picasa

Como ya todos saben yo utilizo una caja para tomar mis fotos. Lo nuevo es que he estado integrando una pequeñas piedras de río (unas que mis hijas me consiguieron en un río en Adjuntas, PR) para darle un giro a mis fotos. Ven las piedras en la foto? Eso se conoce como "props" en el mundo de la fotografía.

{Has you all know I always use a light box to take my pictures. It is very convenient if you are going to have a photo shoot at 3am. Did you see I started to use some river rocks to my pictures? My daughters collect them at a nice river at Adjuntas, PR.}

Bueno este pequeño tutorial no se trata de añadir detalles a tus fotos sino a como editar las fotos sutilmente en Picasa. Ok, recuerdan la caja para tomar fotos? y como ajustar su cámara para utilizar la caja? No verdad?, pues siempre pueden volver a revisar mis otros tutoriales para repasar esos pequeños detalles. Entonces ésta es la foto que utilizaré, tomada en la caja con los ajustes pertinentes en la cámara digital.

{ Well this little tutorial isn't about using props in your photos, it is about how to edit your pictures using Picasa but in a very simple way, with just three steps. Ok, do you remember my light box? and how to adjust your camera when using the light box? Not really, I guess so. Well you can always go and gave a little look to those tutorial again. So this is the picture I'm going to use. It was taken with the light box and the proper camera settings. }  

Se ve bien verdad? Hasta parece que no necesita ayuda, pero si se fijan bien, utilice un papel blanco tamaño carta para el fondo por lo que el otro fondo se ve por una de las esquinas, asi que hay que cortar la foto (crop). Además también quieres que la flor que es la pieza principal en esta foto quede centralizada. 

{ It looks good right? But we can always work this a little bit so it really pops out! So the first step is to crop the picture, Did you see those letters? That have to go and you may want to centralize the main thing in the photo; in this case is the flower. }

Ahora sí que la foto parece lista pero podemos mejorar un poco los colores para que el rojo se vea más brillante ( como realmente es) y el azul marino tenga un color más intenso. Así que escojemos la opción "I'm Feeling Lucky" y la foto cambia y se ve asi,

{ Now the picture looks good, but not enough. Now we are going to make that those colors get intense (like they really are) by using the "I'm Feeling Lucky" option. The photo changes and look like this,}

Casi, casi terminamos. Voy a utilizar un paso adicional para hacer que esta foto de verdad se realce! Vamos a utilizar la funcion "Fill Light" es como una palanca que mueves de derecha a izquierda, así que lo ajustas hasta lograr la cantidad de luz perfecta para la foto. Este es mi resultado!

{ We are almost finished. I'm going to make one more little thing to prepare this picture Front Page worthy! Using the function "Fill Light" it will get a little more brighter. You really has to play with this one, it is like a little bar that you move until you get the perfect light balance.  This is my result!

Un cambio simple y sutil pero necesario! Qué les parece?
A very simple and subtle change but totally necessary. What do you think?

Hasta la próxima,
See you next time,


  1. Very good! We all need improvement in this field. I will forward your tutorial to my one friend who speaks Spanish. That should help her to improve her pics. Thank you!

  2. Love your bilingual post, Enid!

  3. This is very helpful, and thanks for the translated text!

  4. Genial! Nunca he usado la opción "I´m feeling lucky", voy a probar a ver si me quedan los colores más fuertes porque los veo algo pálidos con tanta luz.

  5. Great tutorial - I don't use Picaso...but I may try it now!

  6. Lovely tutorial. Can Picasa be used with IE? Seems there was some limitation as to where it would work. I may be remembering this wrong, though.

    Your pictures look great.

  7. Great information! IE is internet explorer.

    I think the river rocks give your pieces a more earthy feel. Very nice.

  8. I love Picasa, it makes me look like I know what I am doing.....sometimes. Great info.

  9. @calliope > I hope so! But I just use Firefox, I get too much viruses through IE.

  10. I started out trying real hard to read this blog ... I am thinking WHAT?? thank you for speaking 2 languages and for teaching in both.

  11. fantastic tutorial! Well written and easy to understand! well done!

  12. great post enid. ill have to try that. i use picassa but have never played with the fill light.

  13. @marcene > LOL!!! that's so funny you make me laugh !!!

    and yes one of my resolutions for this year is to blog in both languages! (and hopefully without typos!)

  14. Great tutorial. I'll have to practice my Spanish more, but I cheated and read the English.

  15. Great tutorial! Very helpful for us, especially if we want to take photos at 3am :)
